Artist: Dawie Venter

Otter Trail (Days One to Five)
6 - 10 January 1999

Go to clickable map of the hiking trial.    Return to the home page.

Why my foot was sore after blue bay...

We have just completed another stint of the Otter Trail. Some really superb photographs were taken, to complement the very pleasant time we had. A seperate set of "Otter pages" will be added to this site, to report on this experience.

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Back row: Dawie Venter, Tjakkie Naude, JJ Louw, Megan & Ronnie Ward.
Front row: Esme Venter, Stephan de Klerk, Adele Louw, Helise Mieny, Jean-Pierre Mieny.