Groot Winterhoek
24 and 25 April 1999

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Day One

1Starting off.

2First break at the river.

3Some of the many
rock formations.

4Relaxing with some tea.

5 A balanced rock.

6.."Hamburger hill" ?.

7.More rocks.

8.Vista looking north.

9. Under an alien ..

10. Heading down to

11River scene

12 This water is very cold.

13 Paul and Victoria

14. Brian and Adele

15 Sunset and sherry..

16. Camp scene

Day Two

17. Brian get the
presidential suite ..

18 Early morning start

19 First tea at
the river

20 Groot Winterhoek peak.

21 The green waterfall

22 Paul and Victoria.

23 Welcome shade in
the home stretch

24 Phew ...!

25 The survivors .. Click on
the picture to zoom in.